Can I be sure that the items are 100% authentic?
Yes, goods offered by us are thoroughly tested and checked for originality. Thus, only authentic articles reach our shop. We stand for it not only with our reputation, but are also liable for it.
What accessories come with my item?
In principle, original accessories are listed in the item description and depend on which accessories we received the item with. In addition, you will receive an invoice and a certificate of authenticity from us upon purchase.
Does the item description or the photos show the actual condition of the goods?
We try to check the condition of the item very carefully in advance and document it by means of photos. Furthermore, we try with our condition ranking 1-10 to describe the condition compared to other items or according to objective standards. Our photos are taken to the best of our knowledge and belief to give you an absolutely fair and objective impression of the condition. Nevertheless, we use artificial framework for our photos, which can lead to deviations especially in the representation of the color.
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Can I visit my desired item or pick it up personally?
Luxury Accessories specializes in online sales of high-end designer items and would like to offer them to you at an attractive and fair price. We therefore explicitly refrain from presenting our goods in a physical store and try to deliver the best shopping experience to your home.
Payment methods
Sie können in unserem Shop sowohl über Paypal, Mollie (Klarna Ratenkauf, Klarna pay now & Sofort Überweisung) und mit Kreditkarte über Stripe bezahlen.
If you wish to purchase by installment, please contact us in advance and we will work with you to design a flexible payment plan, tailored to your options and needs.
How does the purchase with installment option work?
Please send us your inquiry via the corresponding link at the article before purchase. We will then contact you directly to arrange the general conditions flexibly.
How much does purchase in installments cost?
When purchasing on installments, a fee of 4% (of the purchase price) is nominally added to the purchase price. A non-refundable deposit of 10% of the purchase price is required at the time of purchase. Of course, the deposit will be deducted from the purchase price. However, it is non-refundable if the payment plan is not adhered to, as it reflects the fee of the incurred expenses. Payment plans can be arranged for up to 6 months depending on your needs and the amount of the purchase price. The item will be sent to you after full payment of the agreed purchase price.
What if I don't like the item despite a detailed description of its condition?
We guarantee a 14-day right of withdrawal or return in Austria & Germany. You can of course take advantage of this without giving any reason. To do this, it is necessary to inform us about the planned return (luxuryaccessoir@gmail.com), the item with intact security label carefully packed and insured to send to us. Please make sure that the item has not been used, nor can be damaged during transport.
How long does the refund of the purchase price take in case of revocation or use of the right of return?
The purchase price will be refunded to you within 14 days of receipt and verification of the item, on the means of payment used.
Shipping & Delivery
How long does the shipment or delivery take?
We ship the goods within 1-3 working days, as an insured package. Delivery is within a few days (in Austria within 2 days) and internationally usually within a week. Our preferred shipping partner in the EU and internationally is DHL express. Of course we can not guarantee the duration of the shipment and are dependent on the conditions of our shipping partners, but have selected them with the utmost care.
How much does shipping cost?
We ship free of shipping costs from a purchase value of € 1.000,-. Shipping within Austria costs insured € 10,-, within the EU € 30,- and international € 50,-.
Can I track my package?
We ship the goods exclusively insured and with tracking and will of course provide you with the information.
What is the purpose of the backup label?
The security label is applied by us after the item has been inspected and carefully cleaned and reflects the successful inspection for originality and condition in the item description. Please remove the security label only if you really want to keep the item. We cannot guarantee the return otherwise.
Sell to Luxury Accessories
How can I sell my items to Luxury Accessories?
We are happy to buy original goods in very good condition. Please send us some meaningful pictures via contact form for this purpose hier
We will then contact you to discuss the general conditions and terms in advance.
How is the sale to Luxury Accessories handled?
Please contact us in advance hier about your intention to sell goods to us? Do not send goods without contacting us first.
Please send us your goods, after contacting us, only insured and with tracking. We will check the items thoroughly for originality and condition and then propose a binding purchase price. If this price does not meet your expectations, we will send the items back to you.
Which items are accepted?
Currently we buy exclusively items of the brand "Louis Vuitton", which are in a very good to mint or new condition.
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